Sponsorships Needed for 2024 Season
We are very excited for another season, but even more so as we get closer and closer to an indoor, year round training facility. Oh the places our swimmers will go when we have year round swimming right here in Smyrna. That being said, when the pool is built the swim team will be responsible for anything swim team related and not used by everyday patrons. Therefore, diving blocks, touch pads, timing board, 500 free counting cards, scoreboard are all things we will need to purchase for the new facility. We are also responsible for the lanes ropes, lane reels, flags and all training equipment which we currently have purchased with previous donations. The beauty of these purchases is two fold. While it will benefit the Smyrna Sharks swim season, we the Smyrna Sharks will be able to receive rental money for the teams that us the new facility for swim meets and training. Both the city and sharks will benefit in these rentals. We do need to raise a large amount in the next 2 seasons to have funds ready to purchase when asked for the new pool. If you own a business you would your company be willing to donate to our 501c3 swim team. If you have friends, grandparents, etc. that won business would you contact them about donating. Any amount is helpful and will take us all to make this happen. Below is our link to the form to fill out or take to your business for them to fill out. We thank you for your consideration and helping us secure funds. This is a very exciting time.
Your Smyrna Shark Board,
(Kevin, Dan, Julie, Maria, Christy, Rebecca and Chris)
Smyrna Sharks General Information
Welcome to the Smyrna Sharks Swim & Dive Teams. We are a swimming organization in Smyrna, GA.
Swim Team - Our competitive swim team participates in the ASA (Atlanta Swim Association) league, and this is for qualifying male and female athletes ages 5 to 18 (as of 5/31). Practices typically begin in early May, our season starts in late May/early June and runs for 5 weeks with the final meet typically being the last week of June. For swimmers that qualify to compete in the GRPA State Meet, the season extends into the second or third week of July.
Rookies - For our younger swimmers that are not ready for the competitive team, we also have our rookie program with ages ranging from 4 to 8. This program focuses on basic swim techniques with the goal of preparing our rookies to be ready for the competitive team.
Dive Team - We also have a dive program, and your athletes (ages 4 to 18, must be able to swim to the side of the pool independently) can compete on this team separately, or in combination with our swim team or Rookie program.
You can view additional information about our teams by clicking the respective team tabs. Many of the sub-tabs are private and require a sign-in, but the general header tabs contain public information.
Your Smyrna Sharks Board
Link for Online Store
Registration for the 2024 Season is Closed
Registration for the 2024 Season
Registration for the 2024 season is now closed for all teams.
If you are a new family, see the link below for our registration interest form to ensure that you receive the email when registration opens for new families.
Registration Interest Form
If you would like to be notified when registration opens for the next summer, please fill out our interest form.
Refund Policy
Depending on the timing of your request to withdraw your swimmer or diver from the team, a partial refund may be available (less any costs incurred to date, including credit card and other processing fees which the team does not get refunded). However, our team policy is that once practice starts in early May, there will be no refunds after that point. By the time practice starts, we have already incurred nearly all of our costs for the season, and your swimmer has taken a spot that would have been available to another swimmer.
Suits, Fins, Caps, and Goggles
- We will have 2 suit fitting sessions where you can order your suits, fins, goggles and any extra caps that you need that you did not order at registration (caps only). Your orders will be placed at the time of the fitting and shipped directly to you from our provider. Dates for 2024 are as follows:
- 4/10/24 at 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm
- 4/17/24 at 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm
- Once the season has started, if you need caps, fins or goggles, see us at the pool during practice to purchase.
The Importance Of Volunteering
For every entry processed, for every lane marshaled, for every timing pad set up, for every announcement made, for every child sent to their swim lane on time, for each swimmer timed, for every PB recorded, for every medal or ribbon given - there is an army of volunteers making it all happen. If you don't volunteer & have a child on a team now is the time to step up.