Meets and Events
Swim Team - The Smyrna Sharks have a competitive team that competes in the Atlanta Swim Association (ASA) league. Our swimmers also compete together in several other meets during the season and in the District 5 GRPA State Qualification Meet and GRPA State Meet every year. The information for those meets can be found on the District & State Meets tab.
Athletes that potentially qualify to participate on our competitive swim team:
- Minimum Age: 5 years old as of 5/31
- Maximum Age: 18 years old as of 5/31 (19 year olds may be able to participate, if they were enrolled in high school the same school year)
- Qualification: All returning rookies and and any new swimmers ages 5-10 must be able to pass the assessment to qualify for the competitive team.
- Any swimmers age 9-10 that can not pass the assessment will not be able to compete on the competitive team, and they do not qualify for Rookies. These athletes will be encouraged to get swim lessons with the city or through private companies as we are not typically able to handle one on one instruction that is generally needed to teach kids how to swim.
- Any new athletes 11 and up may likewise be asked to seek outside instruction if it is determined during practice that their current level of swimming is not sufficient to keep up with the pace of our practices.
What is an assessment?
- The assessment consists of being able to swim one lap (25 yards) of freestyle, unassisted, and one lap of backstroke, unassisted.
- The determination for passing the assessment will be made by the coaches and board members, all of whom have decades of combined experience in determining whether or not a particular athlete is ready to swim on the competitive team.
- Assessments typically occur the first week of practice, to be announced each season.
Rookies - For our younger or less experienced swimmers who are not ready for team competition, we have the Rookies.